Frequently asked questions

We now have an FAQ list that we hope will help you answer some of the more common ones.

How long does it take to set up my site?

It depends on the website package, but we try to get your website up in 2-4 business days. You will have an opportunity to review and make changes to your site once we have completed the first draft.

Who owns my site?

By default, we will build you a blog site that is housed on our server and that we own. We also have a number of add-ons we have paid for that your membership includes access to. However, we provide the hosting free with one of our website packages. You will absolutely have the option to own your website files for an additional fee.

Your domain name, which is your custom website URL, is separate from the hosting and we can transfer it to your own domain registrar at no additional cost. Or, we can use one you already own. We recommend GoDaddy or Namecheap for domains.


Is my site secure?

Yes! We include an SSL (security certificate) with every one of our website packages.

What does "Social Media Syndication" mean?

Social media syndication is a service that allows us to distribute content to your social media channels. Our software will automatically push out your daily blog articles to your social media networks.
Using social media platforms is a great way to share your content to a large audience. It’s also a simple and free way for organizations to share their content. Without even realizing it, you have probably come across syndicated content on popular social media platforms, like LinkedIn and Facebook.

We are able to automatically post content to most major social media platforms, but we found that format works best posting to the following accounts:

Google Business

Layout and design options

We aim to keep our website themes modern and up to the latest standards as well as blazing fast page speeds, so that you can get ahead on SEO.

Service Refund Period

All items or services are non-refundable after the service billing period has cycled. To receive a refund you must cancel your subscription 10 days before the billing date.

What will you need from me to get started?

If you have an existing  website, we can use that to transfer over the information that you would like to keep.

  • Site Content (Name, Phone #, Job Title, Email, Location)
  • Site Content (“About Me/Us” information – personal or about company history usually 2-3 paragraphs)
  • Contact Us Info: (Company, Name, address, phone #, fax #)
  • Slogans, mission statements.
  • Misc. Content: (if any) Images of employees, clients, success stories,
  • Licensing Info (If any)

We will need to get all of this information ASAP and must be submitted at one time and we will have a draft available within a few business days for you to view.

Do you do anything else besides website & blog content?

Yes! We offer brand identity packages which include logo and business card design, as well as flyer design. Contact us to get started on your project.

Do you provide SEO?

We provide a basic level of search engine optimization (SEO), but keep in mind we aren’t SEO specialists. We have a general understanding of the different components that go into it and try to keep our sites relatively optimized, but it is not our primary focus. We believe repeat & referral business is the best way to grow, and we want to focus on staying in front of the people who are already familiar with you in some way — whether that be on social media, email lists, or people we can reach through ads in your local area.

What's the fastest way for me to get website support?

Send an email to Liz, our designer & developer, and she will respond as quickly as possible!

What industries do you provide services for?

We can provide websites, blog content, and brand identity to any industry! We started out by focusing on the real estate & mortgage industries but are branching out to others as well.